Our Community

The activity and engagement programming are at the core of daily life. Meaningful friendships are cultivated, opportunity for physical activity is diverse, personal spirituality practices are supported and giving back is a cornerstone of our activity and engagement programming. A full-time activity team, including a fitness director, work to create monthly calendars that reflect the interests and pursuits of our diverse resident population. Many clubs and committees are resident led.

a few of our scheduled activities

  • activities

    A range of card & table games, weekly live music, flower arrangement classes, & bocce ball.

  • fitness

    3-4 daily fitness classes to choose from such as pilates, zumba, water aerobics, also strength & stretch.

  • adventures

    Walking groups & clubs take advantage of the local parks and trails, as well as venture to further distances throughout the north bay.

  • education

    Continuing education including classes, lectures, & seminars are also offered.

visit us

1401 Fountaingrove Pkwy
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

